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Dr CORNELIO SOMMARUGA Swiss Diplomat President, International Committee of the Red Cross Attending the UN-EC Joint Peace Conference on Yugoslavia at the QEII Conference Centre in London COMPULSORY CREDIT: UPPA/Photoshot Photo URK 004639/C-21 27.08.
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Dr CORNELIO SOMMARUGA Swiss Diplomat President, International Committee of the Red Cross Attending the UN-EC Joint Peace Conference on Yugoslavia at the QEII Conference Centre in London COMPULSORY CREDIT: UPPA/Photoshot Photo URK 004639/C-21 27.08. 1

#3339837 1992-08-26
Dr CORNELIO SOMMARUGA Swiss Diplomat President, International Committee of the Red Cross Attending the UN-EC Joint Peace Conference on Yugoslavia at the QEII Conference Centre in London COMPULSORY CREDIT: UPPA/Photoshot Photo URK 004639/C-21 27.08