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2007 Food Bank of New York Annual "Can Do Awards"
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2007 Food Bank of New York Annual "Can Do Awards" 12

#244155 2007-04-23
Bill Clinton
#244156 2007-04-23
David Bowie, Iman
#244157 2007-04-23
Helena Christensen
#244158 2007-04-23
Josh Hartnett
#244159 2007-04-23
Josh Hartnett
#244160 2007-04-23
Josh Hartnett
#244161 2007-04-23
Josh Hartnett
#244162 2007-04-23
Kate Bosworth, Helena Christensen
#244163 2007-04-23
Kate Bosworth, Helena Christensen
#244164 2007-04-23
Kate Bosworth, Helena Christensen
#244165 2007-04-23
Kate Bosworth
#244166 2007-04-23
Kate Bosworth