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Wielka Brytania stoi w obliczu niedoboru dyni, ponieważ ślimaki nękają cały kraj z powodu przedłużającej się deszczowej pogody
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Wielka Brytania stoi w obliczu niedoboru dyni, ponieważ ślimaki nękają cały kraj z powodu przedłużającej się deszczowej pogody 8

#3801907 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801908 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801909 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801910 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801911 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801912 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801913 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather
#3801914 2024-10-12
The UK faces a pumpkin shortage as slugs sweep the nation due to prolonged wet weather