Celine Dion en interview sur la chaine NBC à Los Angeles

Celine Dion w wywiadzie dla NBC w Los Angeles

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Pictures must credit: Today / NBC Superstar singer Celine Dion revealed she secretly battled her stiff person syndrome illness for 17 years before revealing it to the public. And she said lying about it to keep it from her fans was too much for her to bear. The singer, 56, was diagnosed with the rare autoimmune neurological disorder in 2022. During a preview for an upcoming interview with the USA news show Today she detailed to journalist Hoda Kotb, that when she first started to realise something was wrong, she didn't 'take the time' to figure out what was going on. At the same time her late husband,René Angélil, battled his own health woes before he passed away from throat cancer in 2016. Celine said of her own condition: "We did not know what was going on. "I did not take the time. I should have stopped, took the time to figure it out. "And like it wasn't enough, my husband as well is fighting for his own life.” Picture supplied by JLPPA
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