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Le prince Harry, duc de Sussex, a honoré son amie le sergent de première classe Elizabeth Marks, en lui remettant le prestigieux prix du soldat de l'année du Military Times, en vidéo

Książę Harry, książę Sussex, uhonorował swoją przyjaciółkę sierżant pierwszej klasy Elizabeth Marks prestiżową nagrodą Żołnierza Roku magazynu Military Times

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Le prince Harry, duc de Sussex, a honoré son amie le sergent de première classe Elizabeth Marks, en lui remettant le prestigieux prix du soldat de l'année du Military Times, en vidéo Pictures must credit: Military Times Prince Harry donned his medals to present a Soldier of the Year award to US combat medic. In a special presentation, the Duke of Sussex paid tribute to Sgt Elizabeth Marks who he met in 2016 when she won four swimming medals at the British royal's Invictus Games for wounded servicemen and women. He described her as a beacon of inspiration in a speech made from outside the palatial home he shares with wife Meghan Markle in Montecito, California. Sgt Marks, also a five-time Paralympic medalist, 33, suffered hip injuries while deployed in Iraq in 2010, after joining up aged just 17. Harry, 39, wore a black jacket and maroon tie for the video link to the event organised by the Military Times. It comes as Meghan, 42, is gifting her limited edition jam to her celebrity friends as she continues to soft launch her new lifestyle brand American Orchard Riviera. Harry said:” first met Sergeant First Class Elizabeth Marks at the Invictus Games in Orlando 2016, where I presented her with not one, but four gold medals that she'd won in swimming. "To me, she epitomises the courage, resilience and determination represented across our service community and this is not just because of her swimming abilities. "Ellie has courageously overcome every obstacle to cross her path. "She has turned her pain into purpose and led through compassion and willpower, showing others that the impossible is indeed possible.” © JLPPA via Bestimage
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