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Księżna Kate dołączyła do grupy cztero- i pięcioletnich dzieci w wieku szkolnym w National Portrait Gallery.
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Księżna Kate dołączyła do grupy cztero- i pięcioletnich dzieci w wieku szkolnym w National Portrait Gallery. 5

#3965812 2025-02-04
The Princess of Wales joined a group of four and five-year-old school children at the National Portrait Gallery.
#3965813 2025-02-04
The Princess of Wales joined a group of four and five-year-old school children at the National Portrait Gallery.
#3965814 2025-02-04
The Princess of Wales joined a group of four and five-year-old school children at the National Portrait Gallery.
#3965815 2025-02-04
The Princess of Wales joined a group of four and five-year-old school children at the National Portrait Gallery.
#3965816 2025-02-04
The Princess of Wales joined a group of four and five-year-old school children at the National Portrait Gallery.