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The Royal Ascot 2009 - drugi dzien
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#468880 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468881 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468882 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468883 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468884 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468885 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468886 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468887 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468888 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot
#468889 2009-06-17
Tracy Rose
#468890 2009-06-17
Tracy Rose
#468891 2009-06-17
The Royal Ascot